We have been happy to provide you with an exceptional email service through our partners at Google for no additional charge. We regret to inform you that effective May 8, 2015 our Penswood.net email service will no longer be available. The reason for this change is due to Google.s 'Google Apps for ISP' is being discontinued. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
What do I need to do?
1. If you do not use your Penswood.net email, contacts, photos, etc. you do not need to do anything. We do, however, recommend you inform any person or institution that may contact you at this email address to inform them of your new contact information.
2. If you do use your Penswood.net email account, you can make sure that all of your email and Google Apps data connected to your account is moved so that you can access it after the email is discontinued.
How to move and retain your Google data:
All the Google data.contact information, photos, videos, comments, likes, followers, etc. associated with your account can be moved to another Google account. If you do not already have a Gmail account, you may create one here:
You may need to know the pop or imap servers to migrate email. As gmail hosts the mail, these are the same as gmail's servers: imap.gmail.com pop.gmail.com
The POP port for Gmail and PennsWoods is 995.
The IMAP port for Gmail and PennsWoods is 993.
Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may present, and truly thank you for the opportunity to provide you with a quality email service for all these years.